
Sleeping 120 More Seconds

Snooze While this post isn’t about how you could sleep 120 more seconds, it may actually help you fall asleep. WSUS Sync ManagerThis is a bit of a personal one, because I’ve been really invested in it. For the last few years, Something that has always annoyed me was waiting for a SUP sync to finish, seeing “Sleeping 120 more seconds” in the wsyncmgr.log and just having to wait for it, never really knowing what it’s actually doing during that snooze.

Expanding IME Log Retention

What are we talking about here?Logs, Again! This is a bit of a followup on my last post about collecting log files using Intune. The log files generated by the Intune Management Extension are extremely useful when troubleshooting a variety of issues, although I focus primarily on Win32 app related problems. Recently, I have noticed that the IntuneManagementExtension.log is filled with more and more information about the GRSManager, Win32AppInventory and ReevaluationScheduleManager as well as log lines related specifically to Win32 app installations which generate a vast amount of log lines.

Using Organizational messages to interact with with your users

Using Organizational messages to interact with with your usersThroughout the years of being a SysAdmin, I regularly saw weird and horrifying ways to display notifications to users; usually revolving around VB logon scripts and scheduled tasks :nauseated_face: You can also display notifications with PowerShell, I’ll share some really useful blogs related to PowerShell notifications at the end. Let’s talk about Organizational messages. What are Organizational messages?Well, they’re a pretty cool feature that let’s you get information out to targetted users easier by displaying branded content in visible areas of the desktop.

Collecting logs using Intune

Why do we need logs?In many support roles, when troubleshooting an issue, logs are critical, especially troubleshooting Intune-related issues. My day-to-day role sees me looking at logs for Intune-managed devices, and Win32 Apps, and collecting those logs can be a pain for the admins I speak with for various reasons. The device is offline The user is “busy.” No remote access to the device [Insert other generic reason here] It may seem reasonable to say, “X isn’t working” or “Y gives me an error message”, but these statements are not always helpful without the context provided by log files.

Using C# with Graph API - Part 2.1 - Authentication - The client credential flow

The client credential flowThis post is one in a series about using Graph API with C#, It’s broken down into the following parts Part 1: Getting started with C# and VScode Part 2.1: Getting started with Authentication - Client credential flow (You Are Here) Part 2.2: Getting started with Authentication - Interactive authentication Part 3: Types of Graph calls Part 4: User management Part 5: Applications Part 6: Interacting with devices Part 7: 429 Too Many Requests In this post, and Part 2.

Using C# with Graph API - Part 1 - C# super basics

Working with C#This post is one in a series about using Graph API with C#, It’s broken down into the following parts Part 1: Getting started with C# and VScode (You Are Here) Part 2.1: Getting started with Authentication - Client credential flow Part 2.2: Getting started with Authentication - Interactive authentication Part 3: Types of Graph calls Part 4: User management Part 5: Applications Part 6: Interacting with devices Part 7: 429 Too Many Requests Over the last 12 months, I’ve thrown myself into the deep end of learning C#, and part of that rabbit hole has been working with Microsoft’s Graph API.